Sunday, May 17, 2009

Stagecoach, etc.

I fail. Plain and simple. I fail at writing.

I'm not even gonna post what's happened since my last post. Mostly cause I don't remember.

As of Thursday, I thought my divorce was finalized. As of about 15 minutes ago, I have decided differently. I got a paper in the mail Friday that I read over today. Google comes in handy. I feel like I have an uphill climb.

Enough of that. Let's recap with some pictures!

The weekend of April 25-26 I went to a two day country concert in Indio, California, called Stagecoach.
For what its worth: Miranda Lambert and Kid Rock

It was a good weekend. I made a ton of new friends. Who are awesome. And it really reminded me why I am glad that we are getting divorced. We would have NEVER done something like this cause he hated country.

There are big things on the horizon for me. I will try to post more on that tomorrow. When I have more info. Fingers crossed and prayers please! Its finally time I did something in my life, and this is huge for me!