Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Kitten Fever!

Typically I am known for my raging baby fever. but tonight its something different, kitten fever! Due to the current state of my marital affairs, baby fever does not make sense. But kitten fever is okay. My roommate, a.k.a. my cousin, already has one. And so we were looking at kittens online today and I think I am going to get one. Does anyone know where I can get free/cheap kittens in San Diego? ♥

1 comment:

Young Love said...

If you know and local vets check out there. Sometimes if they have litters dropped off at there door they will spay/neuter them and then give them away. That's how I got both of mine. Also, check out the free tab on Facebook marketplace. That's where I found out about both of mine. The vet techs had posted about them.