Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Not my proudest moment and Ice Skating

So this isn't exactly "tomorrow," but its still not a month later! lol.

Things have been going well enough. I'm loving my friends and I am super happy with life right now.

Let me tell you what happened two weeks ago, this coming Friday. I got KICKED out of the bar. Yea, you read that right. K.i.c.k.e.d.O.u.t. Its a funny story, tho. Jalyn and I decided to pregame in the parking lot before we went in, hoping to not spend as much inside. We are definitely in trouble, we drank a bottle of vodka... outside the bar. I think I ended up spending $75 inside anyways. Problem? A bit. I am still trying to piece the night together. But, I ended up standing on the bench part of the table, because I heard my friend leaving. Apparently, (I don't remember it going this way- but they swear it did) the waitress asked me to sit down. And (again according to them) I responded with "what the fuck are you gonna do about it?" Okay okay okay... anyone who knows me, knows that doesn't sound like me. So I am hesitant to believe it. I even remember, when Carrie was throwing me out, looking at her telling me I was giving the staff attitude and thinking 'what the fuck is she talking about?' But, they (friends and bouncers alike) swear up and down it happened. If it did happen, I deserved it. I do know I was pretty beligerent that night and it wasn't smart. And if I did say it, then I deserved it.
I've kinda learned my lesson from that. I've calmed down a bit. Obviously, I'm still gonna drink, but I do not plan on repeating that weekend. It was not my proudest moment.

Went ice skating with the Heather and Amber yesterday. I love those girls. I'm gonna be kinda sad when Amber moves in a few weeks. Here are some awesome pictures lol

PS- What do you think of the new background and layout? Gimme some feedback and let me know.

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