Thursday, January 29, 2009

VENT about my divorce!


All through my marriage, my parents defended Chris. Everything he did was right (almost). Everything I did was wrong (again almost). If he got mad at me for spending money, he was right. I paid the bills, he was right and no one liked my budget. I *thought* my divorce meant my parents would finally be on my side. WRONG!!!!

My ID expired October 26. Chris needed to go with me to get a new one. I asked and asked and asked and he never had time. This thing or that thing (probably too busy fucking the whore!) got in the way. Finally I put my foot down and told him he had to go with me. Its not like I was asking for dinner and a movie- ITS MY DAMN ID! And what answer did I get "well I'm leaving in two days for Virginia until April." WHAT?!?!?! I knew you were leaving. But, I would have liked more than two days notice. See the problem with this was it was the beginning of January. In the beginning of January I worked 14 days in a row without a day off. I worked until 2 that Thursday and I worked from 1 until 630 that Friday. He left Saturday. He wouldn't go with me when I could. So, no ID. In the Marine Corps, no ID means no insurance. Technically I'm no longer enrolled in DEERS. And I'm getting more and more livid about this. I've tried to call his command. Wanna know what answer I got? "Ma'am are you sure he is in a unit in California?" WHAT?! YES I'm fucking sure! "Ma'am are you sure he is with us?" YES, again I am sure. I looked it up on MOL. "Ma'am he is not in our unit. You must be mistaken." EXCUSE ME?! MOL lied to me? Please. So that's a dead end.

What do my parents have to say about this? "Well maybe you shouldn't have procrastinated so long." Procrastinated?!?! I did no such thing!!! HE'S the one who wouldn't go with me! "Well you had a POA." Riiiight because using my power of attorney in the middle of a divorce would have looked good on me. My parents are taking his side.

I finally got a response from him. "Call my lawyer." Yes Chris, your lawyer has rights in the Marine Corps and they will care that I called him.

I need the CW smiley where I am banging my head on the wall!!!

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